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For the first time in my life, yesterday, I made blood donation.

I wanted to go hiking with the association ‘Femmes Médecins de Madagascar’ AFMM (Women Doctors of Madagascar). Before the departure, the AFMM organized a blood donation so everyone who was taking part into the hiking plan was invited to do so. Not many people were willing to make it ‘cuz they were worrying about the effort that they would still have to do for the 12 or 13 kilometers of walk and climbing. I would not deny that I was worrying myself but I really wanted to make this blood donation ‘cuz I believe doing so may save a life.

So I registered my name. They checked my weigh (OMG I don’t wanna talk about this 😀 ) and my blood pressure . A doctor had asked a lot of questions about my health if I took medicine the day before, I had flu, I had headache… Result: I was able to make blood donation (not like five other people in the group).

I was the last person ‘cuz it was a lil hard for the doctors to find my vein ( they made two holes in my arm 😦 ). Yesterday, I gave 300 ml of my blood. One of the doctors asked how many people took part into the blood donation. They were kind of happy when they knew that we were fifteen.

A lil comment for everyone else who was afraid of getting too tired ‘cuz of blood donation. There was no need to worry because yesterday I was really okay during the hiking (and kind of proud of myself 😀 )

I will get my card next week so I can be part of those who make blood donation regularly.

My Mom was always ready to help everyone as much as she could. And sometimes I got angry ‘cuz many people were taking too much profit on her kindness. But the story I’m gonna tell you has changed my mind.

My mother owned a school. There was a very poor woman who couldn’t afford to pay the scholarship fees of her daughters. As the two girls were supposed to have their first academic diploma; my mother was too sad not to let them have the chance to do this exam so she tolerated them. Luckily, the two girls passed the exam and got their CEPE (the diploma). The little family came and thanked a lot my mother for her generosity. They also explained that life in the Capital City is not for their good so they would plan to go back to their countryside where at least they can have their own home and land.

My mother kept on helping people by giving them food, a little money, little jobs… But one day, we were the ones who needed help. We were completely broke on that day. It was 11.00 a.m., but we had no money to buy foods for lunch. We started worrying we would miss lunch. My parents went and tried to borrow some money with some friends and relatives but none could help.

Amazingly, two people came. The man was carrying a bag of rice that he offered my mom. The lady said, you were too nice with us letting our kids study when we were so broke. We know these are not enough but here are the crops of our land: some rice, some greens and manioc.

A little late than usual, but my family could have lunch on that day. Who would have ever believed that the poor lady that we used to help would be able to help us someday.

As Moonlightgirl said:

““Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.” If you still can do good things to other people; who knows one day you’ll be rewarded for your act of kindness, and generosity.”

– It is to stop standing in front of a little shop eating ‘Mofogasy’ or ‘Vary amin’anana’.

– It is to stop laughing and instead fake a little smile ‘cuz of snobbery.

– It is to forget my childhood games (tantara, tso-bato, fanenjika, kasikasi-kapoaka…) and instead favor the new technology (Play Station, singing doll,…).

– It is to be ashamed of expressing FUN with claping hands, shouting, dancing, jumping…

– It is to go to another nation’s school to learn their country’s history and geography when I don’t even know mine.

– It is to hoot and urge  poor heavily loaded rickshaws or carts with my nice car

May 2024

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