As agreed, the pro Ravalomanana still made a rally at Ambohijatovo Democracy Square on wednesday. The number of the crowd has increased a lot. When on saturday, we said they were 3,000, on monday they were more than 6,000. Tuesday and wednesday, the crowd joining the fight against the coup were around 10,000. The park of Ambohijatovo was full.

The most exciting and encouraging thing for these Ravalomanana followers was the direct call made by their “President” (yes, for them, Ravalomanana is still the President) saying that he will be home soon. Marc Ravalomanana thanked his people who trust in him and who are ready to fight for him to come back, to fight for the Tanindrazana (ancestors land).



At 01.45 p.m., this 10,000 people went to Analakely. The pavement was compledely blocked. And when I noticed a bus which was still trying to cross the crowd, I could hear the people wacthing from the sidewalk stating that “When TGV protesters made a rally like this before, they would have attacked this bus”.


Nevertheless, they were clashes. A little group of teenagers (from the orange revolution camp) were throwing stones and insults to the crowd. Those pro TGV also took the pics of Ravalomanana from the hands of “their opponents” and teared them. When I tried to take pics, those little guys frightened to attack me and to destroy my camera. I could get a very short video anyway.