I read Jogany‘s article about “Pourquoi bloguer sur l’Afrique?” (Why blogging on Africa?). And I said to myself that I have to answer to that question too

So why blogging on Africa?

I didn’t know anything about blogging before I met FOKO. Since I’ve joined the team, I fell in love with the idea of talking about me 🙂 , my country, its people, its culture… But the most important thing to me is to say how things are REALLY going on here. The main reason of this is because when you say “Madagascar”, none knows but poverty or The Movie lol . I guess, my friend Tahina is sharing my point of view when he has entitled his blog “Madagascar, not The Movie” ( Great work man, PROPS!). I like the movie and I am impatiently waiting for the 2nd one (since I love animation movies and cartoons lol ) but it is a fake image of my lovely country (Dago Tiako yeah).

I would not deny that we are “financially” poor but what is money when you have no time for a smile, when you have to go far from town when you want to see a tree, when you need to know the person you meet, if not you would not greet him or her, when you have to pay for a help? (need some Fihavanana eh). A cyber friend, ikalamako, talks about this so called Fihavanana in her great blog. huh… where I am?… What is money when you have to eat foods in can because you don’t have access to natural and fresh fruits and vegetables? geeeee… , …

So, why blogging on Africa?

Because people don’t know the “real” Africa. Well, my part is to blog on Madagascar as I live there.

Wanna discorver the real Madagascar?

The Cyber Observer will inform you about legal issues in Madagascar

Moma will drive you around all Dago

Log on Patrick ‘s blog, he has a lot to say 😉

Don’t miss Simp ‘s blog, a very original one 😉

and sipakv ‘s, it’s so great 😉